

To work with Eyrene Deeplink on iOS:

1. Install and configure the SDK

To install the SDK, add the ICDeepLink.framework file to the project. To start working with the Eyrene API, configure the scheme, token, and agentId parameters.


A scheme is needed so that you can return to your application. Add a new scheme under URL Types and run:



Access token to the Eyrene app. It is needed to start the visit.



AgentID - user ID for identification in the system.


2. Sync Master Data

To work with the app offline, sync master data.


We recommend syncing data once at the beginning of the day, with stable internet

To synchronize master data, specify a token, a list of stores, and a synchronization command.

Request example


When synchronization is complete, control from the Eyrene app will be back to the calling application. The calling application receives the synchronization status in the delegate method. If synchronization fails, an error code will be returned in the response.

Response example


Response parameters

Status boolean Sync status. If the value is YES - synchronization was successful, NO - there was a problem with the exchange. In this case, retry synchronization.

ErrorCode integer

Error code:

  • 1201 — no internet connection;
  • 1202 — sync canceled by the user;
  • 1203 — time limit exceeded;
  • 1204 — problems with sync in Eyrene.

3. Start a visit

To start or view a visit, call the function:


Request parameters

visitId string

Required. Visit ID.

customerId string

Required. Store ID for the visit.

filter string

Task filter. A regular expression for filtering tasks by name. If you have specified a filter, the visit will display tasks that match the specified filter.

readonly boolean

Opens the visit read-only. Tasks are view-only.

4. Return from the Eyrene app

After the user clicks "Return", control from the Eyrene app will be back to the calling application. To handle this event, define a function:


To receive visit information from the Eyrene app, subscribe to the ICDeepLinkDelegate.


In this case, the method


will be called during control transfer to the calling application.

Additional data arrives in the userInfo dictionary. The following keys are available in the current version:

  • total_images — the total number of photos in the visit.

In future versions of the SDK, the set of keys in userInfo may be expanded.

Updated 03 Mar 2023
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