An array of strings with CUSTOMER_ID store codes to sync data on these stores.
An alternative options list with CUSTOMER_ID store codes to sync data for these stores. In this format, a string with CUSTOMER_ID codes is passed, which is separated by a comma (",") without spaces.
If both methods are specified, then the values from STRING_CUSTOMER_ID will be used.
SYNC_ERR (int: 4) - Synchronization failed. Detailed information in RESULT_INFO.
Error description or additional information.
An array of strings with CUSTOMER_ID codes of stores for which sync is performed.
After the sync is completed, the control will automatically return to the calling app.
3. Start visit
You can start or open a visit for viewing without prior synchronization. In this case, you will need an Internet connection at the point of sale. Information about the store will be loaded at the beginning of the visit.
Enable debug mode. Displays a log with the output of the main errors and calling parameters. Optional.
Required. Calling application ID.
Required. Visit ID. If ID:
found — a visit will be opened;
not found — a new visit will be created;
empty or "0" - an error will be returned.
Required. Agent ID in UUID format. If the agent ID is not found, a new agent will be created.
Required. Store ID.
The store is searched for by CUSTOMER_ID (store -> customer_id). If the store:
not found - an error will be returned, the visit cannot be started;
found — all store tasks will be added to the visit.
Task filter. A regular expression (description) for filtering tasks by name. If specified, the visit will display tasks that match the specified filter. Optional.
1public class DeepLinkConst{23 public static final String IC_CAMERA_LAUNCH_ACTION ="";4 public static final String IC_CAMERA_3_PACKAGE ="";5 public static final String IC_CAMERA_3_ACTIVITY ="";67 public static final class Parameters{8 public static final String TOKEN ="token";9 public static final String AGENT_ID ="agent_id";10 public static final String VISIT_ID ="visit_id";11 public static final String CUSTOMER_ID ="customer_id";12 public static final String LIST_CUSTOMER_ID ="list_customer_id";13 public static final String STRING_CUSTOMER_ID ="string_customer_id";14 public static final String TASK_FILTER ="task_filter";15 public static final String READONLY ="readonly";16 public static final String TOTAL_IMAGES ="total_images";17 public static final String DEBUG ="debug";18 public static final String VERSION_API ="version_api";19 public static final String VERSION_APP ="version_app";20 public static final String IS_NEW_VISIT ="is_new_visit";21 public static final String RESULT_CODE ="res_code";22 public static final String RESULT_INFO ="res_info";23 public static final String IC_COMMAND ="ic_command";2425}2627 public static final class ResultCode{28 public static final int VISIT_VALID =1;29 public static final int VISIT_ERR =2;3031 public static final int SYNC_OK =3;32 public static final int SYNC_ERR =4;33}3435 public static final class Commands{36 public static final String IC_SYNC ="sync";37 public static final String IC_OPEN_LAST_VISIT ="open_last_visit";38}39}
Store ID. The store is searched for by CUSTOMER_ID (store -> customer_id)
An array of strings with CUSTOMER_ID codes of stores for which sync is performed.
An alternative list option with CUSTOMER_ID store codes to synchronize data for these stores.
In this format, a string with CUSTOMER_ID codes is passed, which is separated by a comma (",") without spaces. If both methods are specified in the command, then the values from STRING_CUSTOMER_ID will be used.
Task filter. A regular expression (description) for filtering tasks by name. If specified, the visit will display tasks that match the specified filter.
Задает режим открытия визита только для чтения. В этом режиме задачи доступны только для просмотра.
The number of images in the visit.
Enable debug mode. Displays a log with the output of the main errors and calling parameters.