Create a request for processing a group of photos.
Images are processed in batches - scenes. A report is generated for all images in the scene. In one scene, there can be photos of different parts of one shelf or photos of several shelves of the same product category.
Images must be pre-loaded into the system via /uploads or /uploads_by_url.
The number of requests to the point is limited to 100 requests per minute.
In response, the system will return report identifiers. The reports can be accessed later using /reports.
If a webhook is specified, once the reports are generated, JSON will be sent to it with a POST request.
Response parameters
id string (ID)
Report ID.
images list of strings
List of image ID's from the request.
display integer
List of display IDs.
reports dictionary report type -> report ID.
Report ID's for the scene.
scene string
Uuid created scene ID.