Methods list
List of Data API v1.0 and 1.1 methods for Eyrene backend.
GET /agents
Return a list of agents.
GET /agents/{id}
Return information about the agent by ID.
GET /brands
Return a list of brands.
GET /brands/{id}
Return information about the brand by ID.
Product categories
GET /categories
Return a list of categories.
GET /categories/{id}
Return information about the category by ID.
GET /dqi_types
Return a list of DQI.
GET /dqi_types/{id}
Return information about DQIs by ID.
GET /kpi
Return a list of KPIs.
GET /kpi/{id}
Return information about KPI by ID.
GET /manufacturers
Return a list of manufacturers.
GET /manufacturers/{id}
Return information about product manufacturer by ID.
Master Data
GET /md_import_status
Return the import status of the master data.
GET /sku
Return a list of SKUs.
GET /sku/{id}
Return information about SKU by ID.
GET /stores
Return a list of stores.
GET /stores/{id}
Return information about the store by ID.
GET /tasks
Return a list of tasks.
GET /tasks/{id}
Return information about the task by ID.
GET /visits
Return a list of visits.
GET /visits/{id}
Return information about a visit by ID.
POST /visits/{id}/ack
Confirm receipt of information about the visit.
POST /visits/{id}/kpivalue
Change the value of KPI in a visit.